Single location page

Single location page will display available job and location information with Google Map at header, Country, related location at bottom.

To display properly single location page you may also need to add wrapper class by action hook as following. you will need to find content wrapper class on your theme and replace with “content-area” on following code.

add_action('job_bm_action_before_location_single', 'job_bm_action_before_location_single', 10);
add_action('job_bm_action_after_location_single', 'job_bm_action_after_location_single', 10);

function job_bm_action_before_location_single() {
  echo '<div class="content-area">';

function job_bm_action_after_location_single() {
  echo '</div>';

Q: Where to add the code ?
Ans: Please add the code on your theme functions.php file on your theme directory.

Single location page 1