Masonry Breaking w/ Filter

Masonry Breaking w/ Filter 1
Feb 03, 2018 09:37 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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Hi I really like your plugin.

I have it set up almost the way I want but i noticed my grid items look much better using the masonry option.

However when I use it with the Filter options it breaks after you switch category/taxonomy.

Current (works great):

Masonry Test (broken - try to switch between days):

  • ignore the slight styling difference - when I try masonry on the "Current" one it does the same thing, just made a separate page for this question.

Also, The search option doesn't show up at all if checked off? I have it checked off in the "Current" page.

It could be a theme / css issue on my end but I don't think it is. Any help would be appreciated! The masonry just looks much better without the gaps and stuff.

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Masonry Breaking w/ Filter 1
Masonry Breaking w/ Filter 3
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Masonry Breaking w/ Filter 4
Feb 03, 2018

Welcome to our forum.
Filterable style grid still has no support for masonry style grid. we are using mixitup.js for creating filterable grid that doesn't support masonry currently. although we are trying to solve the issue.

also please note filterable style grid doesn't work on search.


Masonry Breaking w/ Filter 5
- Feb 07, 2018 01:50 PM
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Glad to know that,


Masonry Breaking w/ Filter 6
- Feb 07, 2018 05:43 AM
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Works great!

I just turn the column-count under 768px to "auto" so it doesn't shrink up on mobile.

Thanks for the help!

Masonry Breaking w/ Filter 5
- Feb 03, 2018 01:50 PM
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I have checked the masonry link for misitup, but its not perfect solution, although you can add masonry layout by adding simply this CSS, replace 3 by your own column number.

.post-grid .grid-items {
column-count: 3;

please keep Masonry enable > No

Let me know the result.


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