Pagination Navigation with Random order-by

Pagination Navigation with Random order-by 1
Jul 30, 2017 08:45 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jul 2017
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I'm using Ajax pagination and a "random" order by in the post query and have two questions and one problem.


  1. With the Random order by, it seems odd to have numerated navigation since going back to a previous 'page' of results gives different results. Is there a way to have one button for navigation that says "see more" or similar? I don't want to use the Load More navigation option and need to use Ajax since this post grid will be on a page with at least one other post grid, and I don't want a page refresh. * This is super important to me.
  2. Is there a way to have navigation above and below a post grid?

Problem: The navigation buttons are left-aligned, and I can't figure out how to center them under the grid with my very limited CSS knowledge + Google.

Many thanks in advance.

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Pagination Navigation with Random order-by 1
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Pagination Navigation with Random order-by 4
Jul 30, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry to say both features you requested isn't possible right now.

#1. Load More also an ajax functionality, you might be missed.

#2. You can add custom HTML as navigation text just top of the shortcode you placed.




Pagination Navigation with Random order-by 5
- Aug 01, 2017 08:32 AM
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Thanks for your reply.
I hope can update "Load more" feature to replace the post by newly loaded post, let me try if possible will update the plugin, but i need much time for strat work for post grid. currently busy with some other projects.


Pagination Navigation with Random order-by 6
- Jul 31, 2017 01:32 AM
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Thank you for your prompt response.

Maybe two features to think about for a future release. The first, especially, seems like common sense for a randomized grid.

I understand Ajax is part of Load More. However, it's not a viable option in this instance because I need to keep the grid a specific size respective to other elements on the page.

As for centering the grid navigation buttons, I suppose I was hoping you'd help with the CSS to make it happen. But I solved this once I figured out the selector term. To be clear, my shortcode is centered on my page, but the navigation buttons within the grid were not. In every Post Grid example picture and tutorial I've seen, which are many, all of your navigation buttons appear centered under the grid. It made no difference which type of navigation I chose, the buttons appeared left aligned. Again, I've since figured out the CSS, and now buttons are centered as desired.

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