When I click a tab, the content scrolls up to the top of the screen and behind my site’s menu.

When I click a tab, the content scrolls up to the top of the screen and behind my site's menu. 1
Jan 07, 2018 01:39 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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I have 5 tabs on a page, and when I click on each one, the content is pushed to the very top of the screen and behind the menu. In fact, it even rests above the tabs content. Is there a way to adjust this so that the page will stay at the tabs header?

2 Subscribers
When I click a tab, the content scrolls up to the top of the screen and behind my site's menu. 1
When I click a tab, the content scrolls up to the top of the screen and behind my site's menu. 3
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When I click a tab, the content scrolls up to the top of the screen and behind my site's menu. 4
Jan 07, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Are you talking about accordion plugin? if its accordion plugin issue please see there is an option

"Click Header to scroll top" you can set "No" to turn this feature off or adjust value.

please see the screenshot



Let me know for more help.


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